Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm thinking about writing a book...

After the billionth coworker stopped me in the hall yesterday and thanked me for my funny, insightful, bold emails, I began thinking, Everyone else has done it, why not?  Referring of course to writing a book.  Hell, if Justin Bieber can write his memoirs at the age of 11.5, then I, at 39, can, too.  What to write is always the sticking point.  I tried my hand at fiction several times over the years.  The short stories were good but the novels got entirely too real and were quickly set aside.  Somehow when a writer writes, or when this writer writes, the veil falls away, too much truth sneaks in, and you find yourself naked on the page; suddenly thinking, I can't write this; everyone will know!  I have always had a voice.  Since I won my first writing award in the 4th grade for penning Don - the Chocolate Snowman, I knew I had a distinctive, witty, snide, sarcastic voice.  But what did that voice have to say? In the big picture, if you aren't writing about something significant, WHO CARES?  But what is significant?  What matters to me, certainly doesn't matter to most.  I mean, just look at my blog; I'm all over the map!  But I digress :)  I am beginning work on a book.  It is kind of about cancer, kind of about teaching, kind of about my family; it's about me.  I will probably write about it here again soon.  Wish me luck and send me your thoughts.